Perhaps the most complex, problematic, and politically charged aspect of our identity is assignment of race or ethnicity.

Race is a cultural creation; it is not born of biological reality. The sub-division of the human species came about because of the dynamics of power and control and distribution of resources that privileged some and marginalized others.

In America, people born who appear to have white skin enjoy the privilege of being considered the “default” race. People of other races are usually asked to identify themselves in relation to this presumed dominant identity. Part of privilege is not having to think about race, skin color, or the myriad ways in which “white” people we are empowered by default. Dominant systems remain in place by going unexamined.

Therefore, racial identity presents increased barriers to victims/survivors receiving services; it can also play a role in the perpetuation of myths about the identity of perpetrators.

General Resources

African American Resources

Latinx Resources

Native American Resources

Hmong Resources

  • Hmong American Friendship Association, Inc (HAFA) - HAFA was founded by Hmong refugees to help improve the quality of life for all Hmong refugee families in the Greater Milwaukee area.
  • Hmong American Women's Association (HAWA) - Founded in 1993 by a group of thirteen women who had a strong passion to advocate, organize and share concerns reflected by women in the larger Hmong community. This organization advocates for social justice within the Hmong community throught collective action.
  • The Women's Community - A non-profit organization serving victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault throughout Marathon County. Their Southeast Asian Program has bilingual, bicultural, Hmong-speaking advocates who work in conjunction with the other program advocates to provide specialized services to Southeast Asian victims of sexual and domestic abuse.
  • The Family Center - Based in Wisconsin Rapids, it serves victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault in the capacity of advocacy and self-help/support groups, as well as transitional, visitation, and Hmong services. They host a 24-hour Hmong hotline (877-740-4292).