Creating social change to end sexual violence.

WCASA promotes change in Wisconsin communities through
education, prevention and public policy work.

How we can help

We are a statewide organization dedicated to support and complement the work of Wisconsin’s community-based sexual assault service provider programs and other organizations working to end sexual violence.

Anti-Racism Position Statement

Anti-racism and sexual violence work are one in the same. The Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault is committed to anti-racism work as it is foundational and intrinsic to our mission to create social change to end sexual violence

WCASA staff and board express our deep sadness over the loss of Lydia Witte.

Lydia served on the WCASA Board of Directors since 2021. She was an attorney for the Oneida Nation and worked closely with survivors at some of our member programs. She was an advocate for change, tirelessly championing for those on the margins with unwavering dedication. As we share stories of Lydia, we connect in our collective experiences of how she approached her work: with utmost care and profound kindness. We will continue to honor Lydia, her work, and the many lives she touched.

Reproductive Health Position Statement

WCASA believes that all people deserve to have authority over their own bodies, whether it is the choice to participate in sexual activity, to use birth control, or to terminate a pregnancy.

Wisconsin Anti-violence Coalitions Announce Launch of Long-Range Plan to Address Sexual and Domestic Violence

American Indians Against Abuse (AIAA), Black and Brown Womyn Power Coalition (BBWPC), End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin (End Abuse), and the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault (WCASA) announce the launch of the Long Range Plan to address sexual and domestic violence.

The 2023-24 Public Policy Agenda is now available.

The Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault (WCASA) is a hybrid organization: functioning both to
support member Sexual Assault Service Providers (SASPs), while advancing the sexual assault movement in
the state and nationally. We developed this Public Policy Agenda consistent with our vision, mission, and
foundation. However, this is a living document. We encourage legislators, survivors, SASPs, and others to
contact us with other public policy ideas throughout the 2023-2024 legislative session in Wisconsin.

The movement is bigger than WCASA

Thanks to the #MeToo campaign, America is experiencing a watershed moment.

A reckoning has begun, led by survivors and women of color, that calls on all of us to name sexual violence and harassment as unacceptable and intolerable. Now more than ever, the movement needs your help! Join us in shifting the paradigm to support survivors, dismantle oppression, and champion prevention. This is how we end sexual violence.